Oshkosh Area Humane Society (OAHS) Volunteer Code of Conduct
The Oshkosh Area Humane Society’s mission is to provide compassionate care and comfort to animal in need and to build a community that promotes humane treatment of all animals.
Volunteers are an integral extension of staff’s ability to fulfill the mission and as such are held to the same high standards as our staff. Volunteers agree to conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing OAHS during all volunteer activities - physically at OAHS, off-site at other related activities, or on social media. I understand that the OAHS Volunteers have varying degrees of expertise and may be assigned varying levels of responsibility. I agree to respect authority of staff and more experienced volunteers and allow them to serve as mentors to strengthen our team.
As an OAHS Volunteer, I agree to adhere to the following code of conduct: