OAHS Social Media Policy
Oshkosh Area Humane Society (OAHS) Employee/Volunteer Policy on Social Media

This policy is in regards to social media utilized by employees and volunteers of the Oshkosh Area Humane Society (OAHS) and applies to: websites, social media sites (ex: Facebook, Instagram, X  - formerly Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Tiktok, etc) personal networking sites, blogs and microblogs, message boards and chat rooms, podcasts and webinars, video sharing sites, texting and instant messaging, and the like.

Scope of Policy: The Oshkosh Area Humane Society recognizes that employees and volunteers may engage in communication while off duty as appropriate for performance of their duties and/or for the advancement of our mission. This policy applies to social media content – written, verbal and images - on the Oshkosh Area Humane Society social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and other media) as well as posts made by employees and volunteers on their own personal account pages and/or sites.

Employees and Volunteers who engage in any social media activities must be mindful that their comments, even if done off premises and while off-duty, could have an adverse effect on the Oshkosh Area Humane Society. In addition, some viewers may view you as a de facto spokesperson for the Oshkosh Area Humane Society. OAHS depends on strong community support and goodwill.  If you are uncertain whether a comment or post violates a social media policy, please consult a manager at OAHS.

Social Media Policy

  1. No employee or volunteer shall share photos or information on any animal or people that is NOT already shared on our public website. OAHS works with cases involving law enforcement investigations on such matters as abuse, neglect, etc. and any information relating to these cases should never be shared.
  2. Only animals that are currently available for adoption and listed on the OAHS website may be shared on social media.
  3. Do not discredit, disparage, challenge or defame the mission, services, public policy positions, operational or animal status decisions of OAHS.
  4. Do not reveal any confidential or proprietary information about OAHS.
  5. Do not criticize individual staff or volunteer performance (by name, title or role.)
  6. Do not disclose the name or any personal identifying information of any staff or volunteer without his/her permission.
  7. Do not discuss the behavior, medical condition, behavioral status, adoption or euthanasia status of animals in our care which could negatively impact the adoptability of that animal or of other animals in our care.
  8. Do not post information that adversely reinforces negative breed-specific stereotypes.
  9. Do obtain permission from the OAHS administration prior to posting the OAHS logo, trademark, proprietary graphics, and photographs of the shelter, events, employees, volunteers, staff or animals.
  10. When commenting on policy issues for which there is no official OAHS position statement, make it clear that you are speaking for yourself and not on behalf of the organization.
  11. Do not create or share Internet media communication that violates any local, state, federal or international laws and regulation. This includes uploading, posting or e-mails that: impersonate/misrepresent, infringe on copyright laws, and contain obscene or defamatory content, forward unsolicited/unauthorized (spam, junk mail, chain letters), and knowingly create or transmit software viruses, works or other disabling codes.
  12. OAHS will regularly monitor the content of all its social media sites. OAHS, at its sole discretion may restrict, block, suspend, terminate, delete or discontinue any employee’s or volunteer’s access to OAHS-managed media sites at any time, without notice and delete postings.
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